Architekten und Ingenieure
New building
The new building is located in a landmarked environment directly close to the Meininger Park. According to the existing old building the extension construction was erected as an atrium building. The entire building body is structured into two subfields by its alignment (elevator, stairway). They approximately each meet the dimensions of the old building. The four office levels are on top of a two-layer underground garage, which is carried out as white sag. A car elevator guarantees access to the lower parking level. Archive rooms were arranged beneath the atrium in the midpart of the building. The exterior shape of the extension building is reserved and takes up a subordinate role to the old building and the environment. The zoning (first floor / central projections) and the design elements (cladding of the facade with limestone, roof development as zinc roof) correspond to the old building canon.
Old building
The building of tax authorities Meiningen was erected in the second half of the past century. When restructuring the financial administration the task arose to reconstruct and extend the tax office Meiningen.
The old building, a three level building upon a high natural stone pedestal, is built in the neoclassical style of the age of origin. The third floor is the result of a former modification. A building extension out of the thirties was broken off. The facade is richly structured: The levels are divided by cornices, the first floor received a strong, ashlar-like bossage, the upper floor was finished with textured render. Windows are encloed by molded walls and are completed by finials or roofings.
The function rooms are surrounding a glazed inner courtyard (atrium-like). When reconstructing the landmarked building the exterior appearance was revived.